Brass Chats Season 2, Episode 16: Charles Daellenbach

Brass Chats Interview with Charles Daellenbach

The world-famous Canadian Brass came to play in Hartford, Connecticut this past winter, and the Monster boys were fortunate enough to snag some tickets. Obviously, seeing the Canadian Brass is a bucket-list concert item—and if you haven’t checked that box, when all of the sheltering-in-place is behind us, do it!!—but even COOLER was the fact that Charles Daellenbach (tuba player/performer extraordinaire and founding member of The Canadian Brass) sat down with us after the show for a beer and a chat!

The gracious Mr. Daellenbach was generous with his time and shared so much. You’ll hear great stories, all the way from Arnold Jacobs to tales from the road (like headlining a….hang on…..Country and Western Festival?!).

As with each of the Brass Chats, there’s plenty here that stays with you after the interview, and lots of ideas that you can start to implement the minute you finish watching. Charles tells us about why many freelancers fail to find work, how ideas are everywhere all the time for the taking, how to put on a show without selling out, and much more.

We hope you enjoy! Love,

Tom, Chris, and Joel—Monsters.
