Brass Chats Season 2, Episode 14: Jack Sutte

Brass Chats Interview With Jack Sutte

Happy New Year everybody! Thanks for being Brass Chats fans. Exciting stuff to come this year! Okay, enough of that——on to this month:

Remember last month when we opened with “Michael Sachs is….not like us”? Well…..had we interviewed this month’s guest first, he definitely would’ve gotten that sentence. JACK SUTTE! Is……Not. Like. Us. (In a good way but) Not. Like. Us.

Tune up the video to feast upon stories about his first day on the job in Cleveland back in 1999, playing Tomasi—in high school 🤮🤮🤮—and if your screen doesn’t recognize those, they were barfing faces—, why he doesn’t have a daily routine (?!), and how he switches between playing orchestral 2nd trumpet and the most challenging solo repertoire ever written. He’s on a quest to record every trumpet sonata in existence, and we are not joking, so if you want to troll him, WRITE SOME MORE TRUMPET SONATAS SO HE’LL NEVER FINISH. …but he’s damn close, so get moving!

Speaking of getting moving: it’s our hope that this month’s (and every month’s) Brass Chat is part of the tonic you need to motivate, inspire, and encourage you down on your paths of musical productivity in the new decade. We have big goals, and so do you. Thanks Jack Sutte, for helping us take the first step!!

Love you all,

Joel, Tom, Chris - Monsters.
