Brass Chats Episode 25: Louis Hanzlik

Brass Chats Episode 25: Louis Hanzlik

Word association time! You know how it works; I say a word, and you respond with the first thing that jumps to mind. Examples: Peanut Butter? Jelly. Star? Wars. Opera? She dies at the end. Hanzlik? American Brass Quintet, Aspen, Juilliard, UCONN, Columbia Teacher's College ...yep, the list goes on. Today, it only takes 27 minutes and 14 seconds for you to become a better musician; what are you waiting for??? 

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Brass Chats Episode 19: Malcolm McNab

Brass Chats Episode 19: Malcolm McNab

Quiz time: which number is bigger: number of calendar years A.D., or number of movies Malcolm McNab has played on? ....I'll give you a hint: the answer is the part about the number of movies. Give up?

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