Brass Chats Episode 27: Phil Snedecor

Brass Chats Episode 27:  Phil Snedecor

Associate Professor of Trumpet at the Hartt School, co-founder of the Washington Symphonic Brass, founder of the DC Pops Orchestra, and author of the widely used "Lyrical Etudes for Trumpet" book. We asked Phil Snedecor what he did to get good at trumpet and he told us all about a heck of a journey he went on to figure out this trumpet thing. Guess what?! He told us exactly how he did it!

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Brass Chats Episode 15: Steve Dillon

Brass Chats Episode 15: Steve Dillon

This is the Brass Chats Interview you watch if you want to pick the brain of a man who likes hats, likes music, has an INSANE historical instrument collection (in the video, don't worry)…and built an empire from scratch.

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Brass Chats Episode 12: Mike Roylance

Brass Chats Episode 12: Mike Roylance

Finally! A NON-trumpet player on Brass Chats. We know what you're thinking: "what does a NON-trumpet sound like? who makes them? how much do they cost? what size mouthpiece am I supposed to use? Will it help me with my double high-C?" Ha, ha, smart-alec, very funny. Tell your jokes to your mom why don't you, she always laughs at me. I... ...wait a minute, who was I insulting again?

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Brass Chats Episode 3: Josh Landress

Brass Chats Episode 3: Josh Landress

Josh Landress, owner of J. Landress Brass in Manhattan, New York, New York, New York, New York, New York, USA, Earth, master repairer and instrument craftsman, sits down with the Monsters and straight up gets what's been comin' to him for a long, long time. 

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