Brass Chats Episode 27: Phil Snedecor

Brass Chats Episode 27:  Phil Snedecor

Associate Professor of Trumpet at the Hartt School, co-founder of the Washington Symphonic Brass, founder of the DC Pops Orchestra, and author of the widely used "Lyrical Etudes for Trumpet" book. We asked Phil Snedecor what he did to get good at trumpet and he told us all about a heck of a journey he went on to figure out this trumpet thing. Guess what?! He told us exactly how he did it!

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Brass Chats Episode 26: Allan Dean

Brass Chats Episode 26: Allan Dean

Allan Dean - Professor of Trumpet at the Yale University School of Music - talks about forging a career outside the "safe" orchestral world of music. He also dishes about early music, why he wouldn't bring his horn to a deserted island, and tennis. Yes, tennis.


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Brass Chats Episode 25: Louis Hanzlik

Brass Chats Episode 25: Louis Hanzlik

Word association time! You know how it works; I say a word, and you respond with the first thing that jumps to mind. Examples: Peanut Butter? Jelly. Star? Wars. Opera? She dies at the end. Hanzlik? American Brass Quintet, Aspen, Juilliard, UCONN, Columbia Teacher's College ...yep, the list goes on. Today, it only takes 27 minutes and 14 seconds for you to become a better musician; what are you waiting for??? 

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Brass Chats Episode 23: Randy Brecker

Brass Chats Episode 23: Randy Brecker

You heard him for years with the Brecker Brothers (not sure where they got the name from...), you saw him tear up the town in Stoplight Jazz, now join us for a swim through the inner workings of the mind of trumpet legend Randy Brecker!

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Brass Chats Episode 13: Terry Everson

Brass Chats Episode 13: Terry Everson

What to say about Terry Everson, other than the fact that he's an internationally renowned trumpet soloist, educator, clinician, composer, conductor, and church musician? He's also a darn-tooitn' nice fella.

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Brass Chats Episode 12: Mike Roylance

Brass Chats Episode 12: Mike Roylance

Finally! A NON-trumpet player on Brass Chats. We know what you're thinking: "what does a NON-trumpet sound like? who makes them? how much do they cost? what size mouthpiece am I supposed to use? Will it help me with my double high-C?" Ha, ha, smart-alec, very funny. Tell your jokes to your mom why don't you, she always laughs at me. I... ...wait a minute, who was I insulting again?

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Brass Chats Episode 7: Ray Mase

Brass Chats Episode 7: Ray Mase

Ray Mase has taught trumpet to every professional trumpet player alive and employed today. It's a fact, look it up. You'll find it on the Internet. ...actually you just found it on the Internet. There, just then. You're on the Internet.

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