Brass Chats Episode 25: Louis Hanzlik

Brass Chats Episode 25: Louis Hanzlik

Word association time! You know how it works; I say a word, and you respond with the first thing that jumps to mind. Examples: Peanut Butter? Jelly. Star? Wars. Opera? She dies at the end. Hanzlik? American Brass Quintet, Aspen, Juilliard, UCONN, Columbia Teacher's College ...yep, the list goes on. Today, it only takes 27 minutes and 14 seconds for you to become a better musician; what are you waiting for??? 

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Brass Chats Episode 21: Vladislav Lavrik

Brass Chats Episode 21: Vladislav Lavrik

Vlad Lavrik is the principal trumpet of the Russian National Orchestra; he plays a mean horn and is actually a very fine conductor as well, and is exploring this passion very frequently at work and elsewhere. Also, a Vladimir Putin story, kinda.

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Brass Chats Episode 19: Malcolm McNab

Brass Chats Episode 19: Malcolm McNab

Quiz time: which number is bigger: number of calendar years A.D., or number of movies Malcolm McNab has played on? ....I'll give you a hint: the answer is the part about the number of movies. Give up?

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Brass Chats Episode 17: Monster Round With the Monsters

Brass Chats Episode 17: Monster Round With the Monsters

You asked for it? You got it: Here's the three handsomest members of Monster Oil, giving you an inside look at their streams of consciousness as they test themselves during the Monster Round.

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Brass Chats Episode 16: Ethan Bensdorf

Brass Chats Episode 16: Ethan Bensdorf

Go to college. Graduate. Win job immediately. Win bigger job immediately. This is more or less the musical equivalent of the LeBron James career track, followed in this instance by the phenomenal Ethan Bensdorf, who made the Naples Philharmonic Orchestra the Cleveland Cavaliers of the Orchestral World by taking his talents to the Big Apple, where he's now second trumpet for the New York Phil. Easy-Peasy, Lemon-Squeezey. Touching on topics ranging from his unconventional teaching style to what it was like to sit next to Phil Smith, this is an unmissable Brass Chat for sure.

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Brass Chats Episode 12: Mike Roylance

Brass Chats Episode 12: Mike Roylance

Finally! A NON-trumpet player on Brass Chats. We know what you're thinking: "what does a NON-trumpet sound like? who makes them? how much do they cost? what size mouthpiece am I supposed to use? Will it help me with my double high-C?" Ha, ha, smart-alec, very funny. Tell your jokes to your mom why don't you, she always laughs at me. I... ...wait a minute, who was I insulting again?

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Brass Chats Episode 11: Mark Gould

Brass Chats Episode 11: Mark Gould

Two things to learn about Mark Gould, if you don't already know them. 1: He was principal trumpet of the Met Opera for an absolutely staggering 29 years; and 2: He's a man that says what he means, and means what he says.

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Brass Chats Episode 10: Doc Severinsen

Brass Chats Episode 10: Doc Severinsen

You can't be serious. THE Doc Severinsen? The guy from the Tonight Show? Trumpet Legend? With the high notes? did you guys trick him into talking to you???

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Brass Chats Episode 8: Karin Bliznik

Brass Chats Episode 8: Karin Bliznik

You can’t be a principal trumpet without being a boss. And Karin Bliznik is a total boss. A too-short interview—we’ll snag her again, hopefully. …

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Brass Chats Episode 7: Ray Mase

Brass Chats Episode 7: Ray Mase

Ray Mase has taught trumpet to every professional trumpet player alive and employed today. It's a fact, look it up. You'll find it on the Internet. ...actually you just found it on the Internet. There, just then. You're on the Internet.

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