Click here to donate any amount! We love you.

Brass Chats is more expensive to create than one might think. There are interviews to travel to, equipment to upgrade, and thank-you beers to buy. We get a ton out of doing this series, and we hope that you feel the same way. If you feel that Brass Chats has added to your musical life, enough that it's worth a few shekels, you're on the exact right page. Every little bit counts. 

100% of these funds will be used toward creating more and better Brass Chats Interviews for the brass public. Your donation earns a credit at the end of each Brass Chat (if you want), cementing your place in the annals of brass history and thereby ensuring your everlasting fame.

Thank you for helping, and as always, thank you for watching! We love you all.

Joel, Tom, Chris - Monsters.